Job Seeker Help Center

Adding or Editing Job Search Preferences

Quick summary

On this page you'll learn more about profile preferences, hiding or showing job preferences as you search, and restoring job preferences.

Getting started

You can save preferences on the profile preferences page when you first sign in or create an account. Find out more about adding or editing your profile preferences or you can learn more about what employers see on your profile and job preferences.

Matching jobs to preferences

To change preferences when searching for a job, follow these steps:

  1. Use the thumbs-down icon thumbs down icon near the job title to hide the job.
  2. This action opens the Job removed notification.
  3. Click or tap Update job preferences to open the Job hidden menu.
  4. Select Not interested to hide jobs.
screenshot showing job post, job hidden and job removed

Hiding and restoring job preferences

This is how we try to match the jobs for the selected qualifications or preferences.

  1. Open Profile
  2. Click or tap Hide jobs with these details. This menu is located in your profile or through the app's main navigation.
  3. Click or tap Hide or Unhide

Preferences on each job post

Profile insights

Profile insights show how your profile aligns with the job description. Employers choose to include details like:

  • Pay
  • Job type
  • Shift and schedule
  • Work setting

Editing job posting profile insights

  1. Look for Profile insights under the company name.
  2. Click or tap the dropdowns to add or edit your preferences. You might answer a Yes or No question or add more specific information.
  3. Click or tap Save if applicable.

What to expect

  • Changes immediately saved to your profile
  • Different colors indicate what aligns or doesn't align with your profile 
  • Your preferences won't change the job search results.
Screenshot showing profile insights

Editing job posting details

Employers customize these job details based on the job's requirements:

  1. Look for Job details under the Profile insights.
  2. Click or tap the dropdowns to add or edit your preferences.
  3. Click or tap Save if applicable.

What to expect

  • Changes immediately saved to your profile
  • Different colors indicate what aligns or doesn't align with your profile 
  • Your preferences won't change the job search results.
Screenshot showing job details
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