If you're having difficulty signing in to your account, follow the steps below:
Reset your password
If you would like to reset your password, please visit the Sign in link in the upper right-hand corner of any Indeed page.
Click Forgot Your Password? at the bottom of the login box, enter the email address associated with your Indeed account and click Submit. Check your spam or junk folder if you don't see the email in your inbox.
If you accidentally created an Indeed account with a typo in your email or if you no longer have access to the email address, unfortunately, you will not be able to recover the password for the account and will need to create a new account.
Signing in to another site (redirected from Indeed)
When you click on a job listing on Indeed, you may be redirected to the employer’s website where the job is actively listed. Other sites may have their own login or registration requirements, and you will not be able to sign in using your Indeed credentials. If you need any technical assistance you will need to contact the support team associated with the site you are redirected to.